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White Creek Walking

As I sit and watch the sun grasp bits and pieces of the valley I sleep in, I have this wonderful sense of serenity. It’s like a picture I once saw in a museum. There is a mother with a baby in her arms, holding her close to her heart. The look on her face is one of pure love; comfort is what the baby is feeling. You can tell by the gurgley look on her face.

As the sun touches my face it feels as if it is that warm mother sweeping me up into her arms. This feeling of warm peace flows through my veins. I can feel it warm my heart, like cocoa on a cold winter day. Before Anasazi I felt an emptiness, a void in my soul, my heart. I’m still not sure how Anasazi made me feel whole again. I just know this is a magic tea that mends the heart and frees the soul of pain. Some days I would wake up startled that I was here, that this was not some wonderful dream I dreamed long ago. I never want to lose the parts of me I have found again here. I know everyone has in them what I have found. I can only hope for them that they can find it in themselves.

This whole experience was like a tea-time for my soul. I drank in all the beauty of mother nature. I sipped on the happiness of the bubbly brooks. I gulped in the freshness of life and what living can do for me and my heart. There was never a day out here that I didn’t want to live life to its fullest.

Thank you for giving me life, helping my soul through this rebirth process at Anasazi. If I had the world to give you I would, but instead I just ask you to keep me in your heart and thoughts.


White Creek Walking